
Welcome traveler...

..for those who seek magical worlds..

Monday, November 16, 2009


Gretta is a long ways from Gothere and she misses her bread box so. However, while the others were getting low down and cozy, Gretta spotted the bread box. A little jam and butter and bread. Has anyone seen a toaster...cinnamon toast is splendid too! Man may not live on bread alone but Gretta can!


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

And so can Tea and Rattus! That is their favorite food! While on an excursion in FRANCE, the two ate their way through the South and Southwest regions, eating every type of boule, baguette and miche possible! However, they must add a little cheese with their bread!

Unknown said...

Oh don't!!! I love cinnamin toast. off to the kitchen I go! Suzie xxx

Kittie Howard said...

Cinnamon and toast...yum...i'm off to the kitchen, too!

Bonnie said...

Bread and water can so easily become toast and tea! Yum, please pass the cinnamon!

Cheers dear Gretta, Paisley Bunny