After gearing up and preparing to take her first flying lesson, Bebe finally met up with her instructor, T.J. Merryweather, who is extremely qualified and holds several licenses and currently conducts jet pack tours of Stillwater, MN. Her rates are reasonable and Bebe has a jingle in her pocket and a smile on her face!
But now the big question: WHO WILL BE HER CO-PILOT?
Fantastic!!!! Oh what a fine looking instructor you are!! I have heard through the grapevine that T.J. Merryweather is one of the BEST instructors to date! I know Bebe will be in safe hands... I will see if I can locate Tea Rat and Rattus... She simply cannot fly without her co-pilot...Do you suppose they have come to a decision YET? May the best rat win...
Those two rats....they go back wayyyyyy back, since college days. But when it comes to a pretty female mouse, then it is a matter of who is the alpha rat! You should have seen the row they got into over Miss Moussie when they first laid eyes on her!!! Tea rat swears he is the better candidate and well, we all saw Rattus's credentials! The plot thickens....
This is fun....
Miss Moussie said she can't stand the suspence...she has been looking at the sky for two days now..:))))
I have heard capital reports about Ms. Merryweather. A few things, though.
I love the blue bird on the sign. Can I have it?
Is she really charging only 5 cents per lesson? Is she selling flying lessons or pink lemonade?
You must give me a turn over Stillwater on that jet pack.
Finally, I think that Tea Rat, reasonable fellow that he is, has conceded to the better candidate for Bebe's co-pilot.
My Dear Bebe,
I believe Rattus has bumped his head, which has caused him to hallucinate. You don't want a hallucinating co-pilot do you?
Tea Rat
(by way of Rattus' Goggle Acct)
O dear..hallucinations are not to be trusted..Now Miss Moussie is very worried..
Holy Moly...you two boys just stop right there! Tea rat, no fibbing! Rattus is perfectly fine; Rattus, Tea rat has in no way conceded...you naughty fellow. Both of you, back to the pub and take a few pints to think over your behavior! A decision will be made shortly. Bebe is so flattered, but what is a little pink mouse to do? Miss Moussie, help! What does one do when there are two suitors dueling over you? Help Miss M., HELP!
What do you do? You send a sweet but fat hedgehog for the taking. If she will fit into the seat she will go but give her a big sucker for the ride...she will be shakin' in her quills. Fly away with me, the best is yet to be...I'll write a song in the air...Please pick me! Just us girls, flying to NOWHERE and beyond...
Yeeee Gretta...Lets tell the boys to take a hike...and jump in the plane...The weather is merry and so are we..Are you up to the flight Gretta,how is you ..behind..doing..:))
WOMEN'S LIB or female mouse lib...! How about all the gals take flying lessons and go up into the wild blue as a women's flying team?
I smell trouble.... mark my words,nothing but trouble!
Mr. raccoon
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