Listen Gretta...said Rac...I've been meaning to have a discussion with you since everyone else is UP in the air. Have you noticed you have gained a little weight my dear? I saw you trying to fit into that evening dress back at the fashion show...I tried so hard to zip it up for you and you got in a tizzy then too and gave me the what for and what if...
Gretta proceeded to put her favorite peach sweater on and she could not believe her ears as her head poked through...everything all of a sudden, nothin' wouldn't and couldn't go through...her head was stuck, her rump wouldn't fit and her arms wouldn't go through....
Dearest Gretta,
You are lovely just as you are. Remember, you are a hedgehog...hedgehogs are round and cuddly! Remember as well, that you were only a child the last time you wore that sweater! You are a grown lady now and a beauty at that. In all of your foibles, you enchant us all! Now go and find something healthy but pleasing to eat!!!
What a lovely little peach sweater you have on Gretta.. I think peach is your color! You look lovely my dear...
Think pink dearest Gretta...think pink..:)
Come on girls....
I can't believe that Mr. Rac woudl say such thing... I must have a talk with him...Gretta , my dear , you are darling!
A little confused bythe comment above? You should.... that was me using my daughters account without noticing.... long day... sheep were miss behaving...Grin..
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