Bebe was having a marvelous time...she was born to fly...
Look.. down there...a big fire on a hill top...could it be..
THERE....a little figure ...waving..
O my goodness...yes..it was Miss Moussie...
Bebe shouted, whilst hanging very dangerously out of the plane..."Hello down there,would you like to go with us.....
O,nonononooooooo..said Merryweather,trying to hold the plane steady...this isn't possible..there is no room for threeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....
Then, Bebe...who knew how very much Miss Moussie wanted to go with her..had this marvelous idea..
Again hanging out of the cockpit...she shouted...DEAREST...Lets do this like in the movies ..oke...
Miss Moussie..standing on top of the Hilltop squeaked....LETS DO IT..... My name is Bond ...Jane Bond..
Bebe pushed a button and a down came a rope ladder....
With the skills of a dare devil pilot Bebe lowered the plane....
I am going to jump now ..squeaked Miss Moussie..very Bond girl like...!"
And there she went....flying high above the tree tops....waving goodbye to all her friends on the Hilltop.....
Goodbye...goodbye....she twittered....see you soon....I will be back in a couple of days....Goodbyeeeeeeeeeee........
Miss Moussie is a BOLD MOMMA! BEBE TOO! Miss M., are you lovin' the big blue? And you did it! All you had to do what SHOUT and there was your friend Bebe, who extended her rope and now YOU ARE UP, UP and AWAY! HO..HO.....wait until Tea Rat gets wind of this. He is going to be, well, I'm not sure what he is going to be, but he will rant and go into a tirade and ask,"where will Miss Moussie sit?" Well, just look at the difference between you two old thing...she is about 1/8 your size!!!! GO GIRLS, GO!!! This my dearest, is the cutest, most adorable.....when I opened up the post, I noticed the color of the paper was different, and wondered what happened to the paper, BUT THEN I SAW OUR BELOVED FRIENDS and your rendition is simply darling! Oh how I just love this! Penny is going to just adore her Bebe!!
WEll done dearest!
OMG I just noticed the music...you are THE BEST!
Goodness! Miss Mousie is quite the daredevil...perhaps it is the fabulous music that made her feel adventurous!
Look at that mousse go! Up, up and away. Gretta couldn't get anyones attention so she shared her cookie with Racoon and sat on a stump. Ouch...my rump! Raccon, it's your turn to wave. Oh hush, Gretta...I'm watching the show!
Oh look at my BEBE with her wonderful friends... This is so exciting! Merryweather,please hold it steady, we can't have Miss Moussie falling off before Bebe can grab her hand... Oh this is such fun!!!! You two ladies are the best!!!! Love the music..
Save some cookies Gretta... The girls will be hungry when they land.
WEll, this is it: Miss M. will be inducted into the Hall of Fame as one of the BOND GIRLS! Wait, SHE IS BOND! Gretta dearest, their are plenty of cookies. I think we need to also save some for Tea and Rattus; Tea especially. He is sulking in his tea cup, wanting to go up with Miss Bond, but sorry dude, not this time!!!
What a brave Mouse! great music too! suzie xxx
I am wondering now... where are you heading???
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