Mozes stumbled out of the Pub...almost tripping over his own feet...oops,steady on old chap..he said to himself..
He took a deep breath....aaah ,fresh spring air...!
After all the commotion about the adventures of Rattus and Tea..Mozes needed some peace and quiet.
Sounds of hoots and RRR.'s..singing ,clanking ,and bubbling beer bubbles oozed out of the Pub...
Mozes sat himself down on the grass...well...I should say he kind of fell over...the force of gravity was very strong today.
While laying in the field Mozes gazed at the sky...How little we are..he whispered...and how big the universe...to big...one could get seriously lost...He was ever so happy his dear friends were back from OUT THERE....safe and sound..on solid ground....
Then suddenly a strange sound from down under creeped in to Mozes his ear..he never heard it before...He pressed his ear to the ground...Yes ,there it was again...something was IN THERE.....
Oh dear, dear Mozes,
How adorable you are!!!! Are you sure that you are not just hearing things after all that good ale? Let if wear off a bit and then see, or rather, listen to see if you are really hearing something....or it could be a surprise from down below! Who knows....let's all listen and watch!
Mozes... oh my dear Mozes... Is that you I hear up there??? Helloooooooooooo!.. It's me Bebe.. yes, I am down here... I got so tired of waiting outside the pub. You know I am not old enough to go in
I knew I should not have wandered down that hole in the ground... I cannot find my way back... It's dark in here!!! Can you start digging and get me out of here please?
Oh, BEBE! Mozes is big and strong and he will pull you out! Hey little Bebe...maybe you can hear better down underground....do you hear a rumbling in the distance? Do you think the caravan is coming transporting Miss Moussie's Travelin' Show? Could that be what is coming down the pike? Only you and Mozes can tell us....
Dear Ms. Moussie,
First of all your drawings are stunningly cute. Second, I don't know if the sound Mozes is hearing is induced by too much ale and lack of sleep or what, but by Jove, I think I hear it too.
Oh no.. It is not for the lack of sleep or too much ale (although I think he had a bit too much) I do HERE something down here. I believe you are right.. I must get up there.. I am sure it is Miss Moussie's travelin show comming right THIS WAY!!
Your drawing is so very endearing Dutchess.. Beautiful work!
I just love this little little old fashion bear...
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