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..for those who seek magical worlds..
Friday, April 9, 2010
Gretta buys a Poot-Scoot
It seems as though the merry band of travelers have gone hither and dither and there but nowhere near Nowhere. Gretta was so full of Blueberry Pie she decided to take a stroll. It seemed as though she might be going in circles but she had no idea. Bebe was so full of pie she had crawled in a overstuffed chair and fell asleep in the cafe. Gretta decided to get a move on through the thick grass. My oh my...what do I hear? Something is going kaput, pow and a big bang...sounds like an engine. Is that by chance the Poot-Poot?
Gretta fell in love at first sight with the pink machine making all the racket. It may have seen better days but better days had arrived for Gretta. A sign on the seat said "FOR SALE, TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT." Now Gretta gets easily confused, did it mean it was for sale? Should she buy it, take it or leave it? After all her paws were sore from traveling to Nowhere and all the pie had made strolling a bit hard...especially keeping up with rats, mice and bears and rabbits and raccoons.
The keys were in the engine...after much thought and a hmm and a haw she crawled in the front seat and squished her tush the best she could and stepped on the gas! Full speed ahead to Nowhere. She'd explain later to the owner and she would gladly buy the Poot-Scoot, some other day. Off she went bumping over hills and dales to find Mozes and Tea and Rattus and the rest of the gang. She wondered how in the world Mozes was going to fit...near impossible but Bebe could sleep in the back for sure while Gretta drove...tee hee...it even had a radio! She sang at the top of her lungs..."Five foot two, eyes a blue...
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Dear Gretta....could you come pick me up..I will fit...next to Bebe on the back seat..Wooptidoo..I love driving with the top down..
Hug Miss Moussie
Gretta, you little scamp!!! Now, you best pay for that little Poot-Scoot or the Nowhere police might come a callin'!!! But you do look stylish and fab in that convertible! YOU ARE THE FUNNIEST LITTLE HEDGEHOG with a personality to that just doesn't quit! All you need now dear one is a pair of Ray Bans and honey, you are on your way in your Pink Cadillac....Ridin' on the Freeway, in your Pink Cadillac....
Don't worry Anita, Gretta just stopped at the SUNGLASS SHACK for some Ray Bans and a cocktail. She's on a roll to Nowhere! Come along with me, the best is yet to be!
I say, Gretta dear, is there room in the Poot-Scoot for a couple of fun-loving rats? Or if not, can we start a travel caravan?
Tea Rat has the dandiest motorcycle and sidecar, and we love to scoot about the jolly country side in leather caps and goggles, taking in the beautiful sights of our beloved Nowhere, and having numerous picnics with plenty of tea, cheese, biscuits, ale, sausages, pie, etc, etc.
Caravan, caravan, caravan.
Can I get a second?
Caravan, caravan, caravan!
Smashing idea, eh wot?
Gretta, come back, come back!!!! I'm awake.. Please don't leave me behind in the cafe. Quick, make a right turn and come scoop me up! I will sit right next to Miss Moussie!
Smashing idea Rattus.. I second!
I say Gretta,
Where do you get your Petrol? I am trying to fire up our motorcycle to run some errands, but the bloody thing has run out of fuel! Petrol, please, we must get some at once before the shoppes close!!
One hundred and one pounds of fun... thats my little hunny bun, get a load of hunny bun tonight! oh yes! love the pink transport! xxx
If Gretta is out of Petrol, roll that motorcycle over to my poot poot and I will fill you up..
EXCELLENT! Saved by the Poot-Poot, old man...let's roll this thing over to Bebe and get on with it!!
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