After a good nights sleep under the blueberry bush Gretta yawned, picked up her bonnet with daisy flowers on it and meandered down the path of life. The path to Nowhere lead in many directions...flying lessons, adventure, theater at it's best and even a few poots in the pink poot-scoot.
She came upon a rock, covered in thick moss and sitting there propped up against the rock was a book. It was an odd book, it was round, with seamless author...just a title...It was wee and tiny, almost as small as a baby hedgehog.

Gretta's nose began to twitch. This happened whenever she was knocking on her noggin trying to get thoughts out...Should I peek? Should I leave it behind? Should I touch it? What if and why? With all the brain power she could muster she popped a good and healthy blueberry in her mouth and decided.....I won't peek yet. She looked north and south and up and down and behind and over and under and nowhere. She reached for her bonnet and as quick as a ladybug in flight she picked up the book and stuck it under her bonnet! Safe and sound...onward she scampered down the path to Nowhere.

Up the stone steps she went...she thought she heard a cough...cough, cough, sputter and sput and ahhhh...chooo!

What was that? Eeeekkkk...Gretta dove into the bushes. The wee little book almost fell out! All of a sudden a rock flew through the air and hit the pond with a splash! Then another and another...

Before she knew it, the little pond was filling with rocks and then she heard a sound like a branch breaking...was that a bear? Or a Raccoon or a mouse or a rat? She peeked around the big fern and saw a rabbits tail wiggling...was that Paisley Bunny playing hide and seek or was Gretta in danger?

and the Fairytale in Nowhere continues...
Dear Gretta,
Are you going to share with the rest of us what's in the fairy book? I can't wait. I do hope you are in no danger. About the rocks falling in the pond. I hear that throwing rocks in a pond are for good luck. Maybe that's how rabbits get the luck that they are famous for.
Three cheers, a hoot and a rrrr.
PS, anymore big fat blueberries?
Oh my! I hope you are not in any real danger my dear little Gretta... I wonder who could be hiding there.. Is it Paisley bunny or could it be the PINK LADY! Maybe the truth be told in the fairy book?
Hmmm....the Pink Lady maybe lurking behind that rock....she has powers you know, powers that are to be reckoned with, but she is a gentle pink rabbit....
Hmmmm...Gretta has NO IDEA what is in the fairytale book, but it says that fairytales come true! Perhaps the rats or the rabbits or the bears can continue. Remember the game when one person starts the story and then the next person picks up where Gretta left can do it...the book has no limit as long as the fairytale comes true.
OOOOOO! Fairytales that do come true...that will take some thought. Back in a few! Anita
"I DO believe in fairies...I DO, I DO"!!!
Keep the magic going,
M.L. : )
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