Mozes is very busy in the tool shed....he has been busy for days now and I believe there is a surprise waiting for us....(look, he quickly is hiding what ever it is..!!)
Its must be a very lovely surprise....and a very happy one because Mozes is singing..listen..
-Pom pom-pom pompompom pom pom....
What could this surprise be...be patient..Mozes said..in few days all be revealed!
(p.s-I tried to make a surprise picture...but it was a bit dark in the tool shed...;)
Hola muy bello Un beso Milita.
The tool shed...this has gotta be good. Gretta get over here and go find Pippit...something is under the covers!!!
MOZES!! There you are! I have missed you so.. You must have been VERY busy indeed.. What in the world could it be.. Oh I love surprises. I can't wait!
Love and kisses
THANKS TO BEBE AND PENNY, IAM HERE! I was so late my friend, but we would not miss this for the WORLD!!!! I WILL BE BACK LATER THIS EVENING!!! GREAT TO SEE THE MAN AGAIN! Nita
OH DEAR, I AM LISTENING TO THE MUSIC...you are TOOOOO MUCH DEAREST! You have one of the best senses of humor....
Rattus: Tea old rat, did you hear that Mozes the bear is building something in his tool shed. It's all very hush, hush.
TeaRat: I love surprises. Whatever do you think Mozes is making? A nice Cottenham Stilton cheese, perhaps?
Rattus: In a tool shed? Preposterous. Me, I think he is making a machine.
TeaRat: Maybe it's a machine for making cheese. Oh, "blessed are the cheesemakers".
Rattus: You and your Cheese Bible. Do you never tire of your malapropisms?
TeaRat: "I am the whey, the salt, and the microbial life. No one makes cheese but through me."
Rattus: You're one sick rat. I'm moving to the next room, lest I be struck with lightning along with thee.
Tea Rat: Teeeeeheeee! Old man, you are a SCARDEY CAT! Lightening, teeehheee.......ugh!What? A STORM? LIGHTENI..... RUN FOR YOUR LIVES....RUN!!!!!
Just yanking your chain, old man! TR
Rattus: Oh, Mozes, when can we expect the unveiling?
The unveiling is to be expected, when the what ever it is that is to be reveiled... wants to be reveiled...!?
We have to be patient..:)
"...when the what ever it is that is to be revealed WANTS to be revealed..."
Well, maybe Mozes isn't making a machine after all. Machines don't "want" anything.
This is getting intriguing.
Rattus & TeaRat
Just coming by to see if the THING has been revealed!!! BACK LATER!
If it takes to long..just carry on dear travelers...it will pop op like a pom pom any day now...:)
I will sit right here with a cup of tea and wait...Tea Rat and Rattus... go get some cheescake, we can have a ~ sit and wait~ party! Must not rush Mozes, he is working so hard.. Tea, save a piece of cheescake for Mozes.. He will need it.
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