I think I smell pizza! Gretta, is that you in the tool shed? Are we having pizza for dinner? Who's in that tool shed making all that racket? I luvvvvvvvey you...my honey bunch...

An old tin pail flew out the door of the tool shed followed by a measuring tape and a can of yellow paint...
Either Gretta is miffed at me and her spines are up or I've got the wrong tool shed!
Oh RAC! YOU ARE SO CUTE..PIZZA????MY FAVORITE! WHO'S IN THERE???BEBE? MOZES? MISS M.? COme on now every body PIZZA PARTAYYYYYY!!!! Come old Rattus, get yourself off the floor and grate some cheese for us, BARRELS FULL PLEASE!!! teeeeheeee...I love yankin' your chain old man....
Rattus: Pizza! Did someone say pizza? We love pizza.
TeaRat: Oh, we just ADORE pizza, praise, worship it.
Rattus: Easy, good fellow. Pizza has a wonderful chewy bread crust....
Tea: And loads and loads of cheese and...
Rattus: ...a wonderfully nuanced tomato sauce with....
Tea: ....buckets of cheese....
Rattus: We got that. The finest pizzas are infused with pungent yet sweet Provençal garlic....
Tea: ...which also has the finest goat cheese, truck loads....
Rattus: You're starting to grow fangs dear fellow. Sort it out will you? Now as I was saying, Pizza....
Tea: ...is nothing without cheese, wheel barrows and wheel barrows of cheese.
Rattus: I'm getting sick here.
Tea: Shiploads, landfills, hills, mountains, planets full of cheese.
Rattus: HHuurrl!
Tea: Eh gads, dear fellow, you really got sick to your stomach. I've got just the thing for that. A nice aged Brie will settle your....
Is that you RAC? Are you sure Gretta is in there? Better call her name before you run in there..
We are having a pizza party? Yipeeeeeee! It's a CHESSE pizza yes?
Someone go in there and see who's making all that noise.. I will wait out here ok?
Raccoon and Gretta,
I'll have one extra jumbo large cheese pizza.
To go.
With extra cheese.
Oh bother. Just give me the cheese.
Tea Rat.
cute! lovly greetings
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