Helloooooooooooo... Are you in there Mozes? I see the lights are on. Tea Rat and Rattus said they were going to come put lights in the shed... You said it was awful dark in there.. We thought this would speed things up a bit.. Somebody left the ladder out here! hmmmmmmm... Ok fess up. Who did that? I brought my tools, may I help you? What was that you were working on.... OH! That's right, a surprise! Can I still help?
OH MY GO.......I am chuckling and squealing with GREAT DELIGHT OVER THIS SWEET AND SUGAR-FILLED IMAGE! HELLLLOOOOOOOOOOOO BEBE! TEA AND RATTUS HERE....we simply CANNOT find Mozes....I think he went out of town...but we are here, we have the light bulbs and Rattus is an expert in putting up chandeliers and such..we'll be right there! Just get on those tippy toes and reach for the knob....push harder, Bebe!!!
Teeeeeeheeeeee...oh Penny, she is a princess!!! Anita
What? Mozes not here? Awww NUTS! ok... I am pushhhhhhing! Got it.. Oh my, that was not easy.. I will hold the door for you.
Thank you Anita! Tippi toes. teehee
AHHH! You got in? See the workbench? See that big mound under the sheet? I wonder what Mozes was working on....go...shhhhhhh....take a peek for us? teeeeeheeeee!!
Yes, I see the workbench. Do I dare peek? Oh No! I can't.. You peak Tea Rat.. shhhhhhhhh
Oooo! I see something moving...we better wait for Mozes to come back. Come on Bebe, come to Wit's End. We have a nice stew cooking and we can sit under the arch and look up at the moon and wish upon a star for Mozes....
Grand idea! On my way... see you there. I am sure there is enough stew for ALL of our Nowhere friends.
TeaRat: Well, I don't know what's up with Mozes and tool sheds, and what not. But I say, my dear Bebe, you are cuter than a button. What with your utility belt and the way you prance about on your tippy toes. Cute as a button.
Rattus: Why do people use that word?
TeaRat: What word?
Rattus: Button. What does a button have to do with another person's aesthetic beauty or physical attraction? Have you ever looked at a button on someone's coat and said: "Wow, that's cute. I wonder if it would like to go out?" Of course not. A button is nice or durable or color coordinating or even missing, but not cute.
TeaRat: I stand corrected. Bebe, you are cute as pie.
Rattus: Oooh. Yeah. Sure. I can't wait to have nice slice of cute pie for dessert. What's your favorite pie, Rattus? Oh, cute pie, definitely.
TeaRat: Did Rattus have a bad day? Shall we go buy Rattus some ice cream and make it all better?
Rattus: Don't get cute with me.
Button, button, who is that cute little button and where oh where dag nab it is that bear?
The thought of a bear in a tool shed brings a smile. I'll send Gretta to look for a pail and hammer and big bear nails in case we need them!
-Psst Bebe...Mozes here..
-yes,Mozes dear..I knew you were there.......!!
-Psst Bebe...listen..I have this tiny problem...
-What's that Mozes dear...you can tell me...I'll keep it a secret..
-It ran away...
-What did Mozes...
-The surprise..it ran away and now I cant find it anymore...it just disappeared.. maybe it was something I said..?
psst Mozes.. Bebe here.. HUH? Where in the sam hill could it have gone? shhhhhhhh.. I won't say a word..
OH DEAR! I hope whatever it was is not coming our way towards Wit's END!!! Rattus and I just painted the walls...whatever it is, I hope it has the sense to tiptoe around!!! Oh Mozes...whatever shall you do? We are on PINS and NEEDLES to see what is next...the plot thickens...
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