It is that time of year again for spooky fun and a Halloween party!
Ok, so what do you think, like the mask?
I seeeee you
Miss Moussie, I hope you will be able to make it.. Would not be a party without you.
Hey... Do you have to be a mouse to attend? I need some party time..
Do I look like a mouse to you? I will be there, just as soon as I find my party hat!
Hey.... Where is that Tea Rat and Rattus.. I hear they are a real HOOT at a party.
Pumpkin and PI here... Oh good! That means EVERYONE may attend...
Someone find me a mirror! Rat Butler will be steaming.
You may borrow ours dear as soon as we are finished...
Up there, Scarlet, get the lead out! We don't want to be late...
I need a date for the party... Any one interested?
Nope, not me. I am waiting for the mouse of my dreams...
.As always, I am the only one ready... Did anyone remember to invite
Dimity Doormouse?
Wake me when the quests arrive
Dearest Bebe, let me finish putting on my costume....
AHH....there you go...Oh Rattus,
can you please play my introduction music for
dramatic effect? Thank you, sir....
And enter JASPER the dancing poodle...
Excellent. Now enter Tea Rat again....
Come on sista, let's dance!
Well look who's here. HAMISH from Hopalonghollow!
watercolor by Anita for Jeri Landers |
and MORE guests are welcomed
to join Bebe's fabulous Boo Hour party.
Let it never end.
OOOOW...sweet Penny..this was so wonderful!!!! I need a party...I do I do...set the date and we will be there..
T.D and Miss M..xoxo
My dear Dutchess,
As soon as everyone arrives we can party on! Bebe is ready to dance.
Penny & Bebe
TEA RAT: WE ARE HERE....stumbling in the dark, looking for my boots, and trying to find my Venetian mask that I acquired last year on our trip to Venice and....
RATTUS: Oh just look for the light switch old man; how do you expect to find your boots in this infernal darkness?
TEA RAT: RIGHT....there we! AH! Now it's time to get the party hats out and dearest Bebe, may we invite our pal, UNCLE CREEPY? He will get a boot out of this and be a real hoot at this party!
PENNY!!!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE HERE, all here, and let us revel in this joyful party all weekend, please? We are running out the door for school (drats!) but will be back?
Bebe, your masks are SCARY and FUN! Oooooooooooooo...we are SO ready for the BOO HOUR to begin. May we bob for apples, and play PIN THE TAIL ON THE DONKEY? Oh, Jemima, no worries, we won't use you as the donkey!
Your photos bring back so many fond and unforgettable moments for me dear Penny. There's no place like Nowhere.
We crashed the party, was an OPEN INVITE, so here we are! LOVE
Tea Rat! Yes, you may invite UNCLE CREEPY, I believe I have not had the pleasure of meeting him..
I will go pick up the PAPER ~pin the tail on the donkey~. Do not want anyone chasing after Jemima, she is a guest after all.
Yours brought back memories also Anita! Wow! love the watercolor of Hamish you did for dear Jeri..
I had to come back.. Anita, your drawings just thrill me! Thank you so much for this!
Rat Butler? You are fabulous! I just love this -- love the sweetness of it and the humour and of course the craftsmanship! Splendid!
TEA RAT: BEBE! We have run out of wine. Shall I make a run for a few more bottles of bubbly? Hic...hic....
RATTUS: No old man, let me go. I'll bring back some strong coffee for YOU! But let us continue this wonderful gathering of our memories!
I say we put on some TEA! I think you both have had more than your share of bubbly!
Tea Rat: Oh my dear little have been trained well (uhummmmm, I can take the credit!) to know that TEA is the elixir of calmness, sobriety, good-will and so on....yes, put on that kettle and we shall have a tea party in our costumes!!!!!!
TEA RAT: Back for a morning version of this splendid party. Pancakes anyone? Rattus has on his chef's toque and will be flipping those flapjacks for anyone who wants to tackle a stack topped with real maple syrup from the finest maple trees in Nowhere!
I am terribly late! Are there any apples left to bob? how's about the caramels and popcorn balls? "Oh Hamish Dreamboat awaits me!" says Fionna." By the way Anita, I see that lovely little painting every time I step into my studio", says Jeri. And Ursula wonders how her little Jemima got to the party before she did! Oh well, better late than never my dears, here I am with a sack full of candy corn, plenty for one and all! Love Dimity Doormouse
I love pancakes! Strawberries on top please if you have any... I know Rattus would be able to locate some, no?
Oh look who arrived... It's our friend Dimity, along with an entire BAG FULL of candy corn. Thank you Dimity! So happy you could make it.
Ha ha ha. My dear friends. I've missed the fun. Oh rats! Sorry, didn't mean to our name in vain. But this is too cute. Maurice on his toes. Bebe and her tiny mouse. Pumpkin and Pi, those crazy rats Rattus and Tea Rat and the rest of the gang. What fun. NOWHERE else could one find such fun.
TEA RAT: Ahhhhh, FINALLY old man, you make your appearance. We have boobed for apples, pinned the tail on Jemima and we have eaten our share of candy corn...LET'S DANCE!
Rattus: Don't mind him everyone; there was quite a bit of sugar in that candy corn!
May I have the next dance?
TEA RAT: I'm all set for another dance dearest Bebe. You sure put on a great Boo Ball! This party should last all October long.
Rattus: I'm for it if you take over making the pancakes! Mmmm....with cherries on top!
I fell like I am going to POP! Those pancakes...yummmmmmmmmmm. Now I need to shake it off.. LET'S DANCE TEA RAT!
Got my fell mixed up with my feel!
Too many pancakes clogged my brain.
I think Rattus ran off with the candy corn.. Has anyone seen him?
TEA RAT: Oh, I think Rattus desserted us! He is at a college meeting with his mates over at the university, but I SHALL TAKE HIS PLACE at this that means I have to eat TWICE the serving for me, the other for Rattus.....then, repeat....
RATTUS: WAIT A MINUTE HERE! I have taken my seat at this table and I aim to get my share of pancakes! SERVE THEM UP STRAIGHT AWAY, BEBE!
Will do Tea Rat! Oh wait.... Rattus is here, waiting and ready for his share of pancakes. One or two? Must watch your waist line Rattus.
What FUN...thank you for the pure JOY, dear ones!!
You are all amazing and magical....
Love you all!! :)))
O dear...I couldn't find my way out of the Hilltop forest...forgot my wand..and it was ever so creepy Halloweens are not to be trusted!!!
Am I to late to PARTY ON...
Love T;D
Guess who?
Anita this is wonderful.
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