
Welcome traveler...

..for those who seek magical worlds..

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

 In loving memory of Penny White


 Dear friend,

you once said that Nowhere was a place

 "Where love and friends live forever."

 You were right. You live in our hearts today.


Rattus and Tea Rat

(Ruben and Anita)


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I'm here alone today, trying to relive the wonder. Bebe, where are you? Miss Moussie, where are you? Tea Rat, Rattus? There comes a time when everything becomes a vapor in memory. But in Nowhere, everything remains in the heart where life beats on. Penny, rest in peace dear friend.

The Dutchess said...

I am here..it was a long travel on icy roads but i am here with a rose..🌹 for Penny✨

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Dearest Dutchess, good morning. Thank you for being here with a rose for our sweet Penny. So grateful you are well and safe.