As was his custom as head tea monger, the Tea Rat tested the brew before serving to his companions. "Capital! Rich and full bodied, yes, just right!", bellowed the little host. Being the linguist that he is, a quick "Quelle délice!" elegantly rolled off his tongue in a moment of passion, for the Tea Rat savors the tea hour, especially with friends.
So there they were, all three of them, drinking cup after cup on the peaceful, green slope overlooking the great castle in the distance. Suddenly however, Mozes felt his head getting heavy; the raccoon quickly saw a difference in which the rat was speaking, standing and comporting himself....

Big Mozes found himself looking and laughing at his two friends, who now appeared to be two young boys with the most unusual clothing. Mozes laughed so hard, he no longer could utter a sound...."Take a look at yourself, big man!" said the raccoon. There was no looking glass to be had, but Mozes could feel himself floating on air as if he was wearing a silky, flowing gown. "You're a girl! You have a skyscraper of a hairdo my friend!" yelled out the raccoon..."What ever did you put in that tea, Tea Rat?" "I just added a dash of mushroom dust at the end for a little kick" murmured the Rat. The little ensemble left their tea cups and crossed the bridge to NOWHERE for the sun was now rising to greet them to a new adventure....
Oh good glory, can I have more? To be transformed, to have tea parties on the ceiling and down in the hoblin gallow, to be what you want to be...Hmmmm...de..dum...Tea Rat I love you!
Oh my Anita.... ........ You have to start writing children stories.... you are so clever and I Mean IT! I am laughing here.....
Tea time is fun time
Said the kitty to the bee
Some poetry reading to be sure
And lots of lovely tea
XOXO, Bonnie
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