As Willy and I followed the deep, deliberate paw prints in the squishy sand, I suddenly heard a crie; it was not a distant call, but a nearby bellow that sounded very, very familiar. I recall hearing this same voice the night of my midnight tea party at the Garden of Clair de Lune....this same voice wafted in the air during the Faerie reels....IT WAS MOZES! Oh dear one, please, WE ARE OVER HERE IN THE THICKET!
We yelled at the top of our lungs to no avail. A heavy sleepiness loomed over Willy and me, so we dozed off.....slowly.....quietly....zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Our hearts are beating wildly...Willie...pssssttt....You must wake up and help us to holler and wail...oh willie, come on!!! This is no time to look cute!!!
oooooo,this was lovely and so cute...Mozes is on its way ...
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