Where am I.....Mozes opened his eyes...he could remember the forest...the tree's bowing..the bushes stepping aside..the secret trail he found..and the decision he made...He wanted to follow this path....In his heart he knew this was the wright thing to do...But was it meant for him to do this on his own...He looked op to the sky..and saw a bird ,flying ,soaring...and it gave him strenght..He was not alone..
Then, suddenly....a voice in the distance..and from out of Nowhere the Tea rat appeared...
How happy the two friends where to find each other there...now they could make the journey together...and just maybe there is somebody out there..maybe you..who would like to make this journey too....
Its possible...just send a little letter to Nowhere and your in...
Please click the image ..and find the bird..
Oh sweet friend, I am so glad that the two souls found each other! Thank you for getting the Tea Rat out of this mess! He and his nournours Willy were loosing hope for a while there. Thank heavens for that bird....(what a brilliant idea!) This is too fun. Now the plot thickens....who shall we meet up with next? Hmmmm......Anita
Happy days are here again! I was a first hand witness to Tea Rat and Mozes dancing and twirling and a roll down the hill. Their shouts of glee could be heard all around, but they were still, nowhere to be found?
Moses songs of courage has give him all necessary faith to believe that he is not alone....I wonder if getting to * somowhere* it will be the end or the beginning {?}...afterall, don't we all love the anticipation of things?*grin*
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