
Welcome traveler...

..for those who seek magical worlds..

Monday, November 16, 2009

AAh,C'est du Thé

The next morning Rattus and Tea with sleepy eyes stumbled down the stairs to go find some strong tea to start there day...
Together sitting at the breakfast table Tea suddenly giggled..Rattus old chap..I just remembered a very funny story Miss Moussie told me a few months ago...its hilarious..and its al about my favorite subject...TEA!!Shall I tell thee..
Please,said Rattus whilst sipping his Earl Grey,..proceed dear Tea.
Well then...ones upon a time...a few summers ago The Dutchess and her husband traveled to a far away land called Jordan....there they visited a town in a hot and dusty deserted dessert..Petra...It was very beautiful..something out of a fairytale..On a sunny morning they decided to make a long walk up the mountain..this was going to be a difficult journey..nothing but sand and rocks...and a very steep climb.
On there way they met a very old lady..she was sitting there watching a herd of goats.On a little fire she made herself a pot of tea...surprised to see people coming up the mountain she very kindly offered a cup!
The Dutchess and her hubby were warned not to accept this tea from kind little old lady's because doing dishes in the Jordan mountains is very different then in our kitchen..This particular old lady however didn't take no for an answer ..poured in two cups with about five spoons of sugar and gave them to our dear souls with a big smile on her face.
So there they were..standing there with tea they shouldn't and wouldn't drink.
The Dutchess was very clever..very sneaky whilst chattering and smiling she whooshed the tea behind the bushes...But her Hubby..was still holding his teacup not knowing what to do...Luckily for him a group of french backpackers came down the mountain..they greeted very politely..Bonjour..Bonjour..and then turned round the corner out of sight..Just enough diversion to get writ of this tea..the Dutchess's hubby was thinking...and whoosh..there his tea went...over the ridge..and down the mountain..Then suddenly they heard a voice below say...AAAh..C'est du Thé..
You can guess..the tea landed on the head of one the French backpackers...he never knew where this tea came from..
That's so funny...said Rattus..luckily they didn't say Ad Fundum..otherwise this Frenchman now would be...invisible!

The door opened....Mozes,Gretta,and Raccoon tumbled in....Hi Guys...we decided to join you in a hearty breakfast before we travel any further...the weather is terrible...its ever so cold...So our little troupe ordered another pot of tea..to go with a big pile of pancakes. The weather outside was fright full..but the fire so delightful...and since they didn't want to go (yet)what do you think,shall we let it.....snow?



Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh how delightful, though the weather is so darn frightful, but with friends and tea time let it be, long live tea, long live tea, for you and me!!! Just capital story old man! Let us put on another pot of Earl Grey with piping hot frothy milk, for the night is nippy...and let's go out tonight and watch the meteor shower! They say that Asia has the best seat in the house, but I'll say that NOWHERE has the best view!

Unknown said...

I can picture that old women, with no teeth because of the sugar she slams down. She is known however to make the best spot of tea anywhere there is a spot. Just like good ol' Mary in Mary Poppins, just a spoonful of sugar makes the company run!

Unknown said...

Oooh pancakes . yummy! thanks for entering my giveaway! :) suzie xxx