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..for those who seek magical worlds..
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Home Home on the Range
Gretta was sittin' pretty up in the tree house that Raccoon built for her singing at the top of her lungs..."oh give me a home, where the Nowhere friends roam and the sky is not cloudy all day..." She could not believe her buddy and friend would make such a delightful tree house! He was out in the back woods hammering away on a dining room set because he wanted all his buds from Nowhere to come for dinner. Gretta went to the door and looked out and saw something falling from the sky....Rac...she gave a yell...is that a bird? Is that a plane? Is that a rat I saw? It looked like Rattus tail....I would recognize that distinguished tail anywhere! Was that blue coat tails? Rac? Mozes? I think that flying machine is coming down!
Gretta went out to the deck and took the binocular spy glass off the branch...oh no...she felt a little woozzy...and boom, down she went...as she cried out Rattttussss......Tea...It cannot be! And she promptly fainted, four paws up!
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Oh yeah! Gretta's little eyes have not failed her or tricked her; she saw correctly! The two incredible rats and their flying machine came DOWN BABY! But, thank the heavens up them, they are safe, eating cheese and biscuits in the local pub, and have ordered a round of drinks for everyone! Get down to that pub Gretta and Rac, and don't miss out on a pint of ale, ON THE HOUSE!
Adorable....what else can I saw. What an imagination...so much fun. I love your blog. Please stop by and visit and visit my daughters blog a s well. She is new and would love to hear from you. Have a wonderful Sunday filled with some new images in your great imagination,
Ok... Mum says I am not old enough to go into the pub... But I can eat biscuits and cheese yes? So come on Gretta and Rac.. come quickly and run in and enjoy... On your way out, please remember Bebe and grab a few bicuits and cheese..
I will be waiting under the shade tree...
p.s. Watch out for the pink lady... If she is in there you may just come out with painted toenails.
Rattus: Well, it appears there is slight disagreement between my dear friend Tea Rat and myself as to the precise nature of our now well publicized air disaster. To wit: words and comportment that may or may not have issued forth from me as our hot air ship went down, down, down to certain oblivion.
Tea: Yes, yes. We happen to disagree on the little matter of your going into HYSTERICS. Hah, hah, hah, hah. And your going on and on that we were both kaput, in a dozen languages no less. Hooo, hoo, hah, hah, hoo.
Rattus: Oh yes, the LITTLE MATTER that we were about to face the Angel of DEATH. And I seem to recall that you were saying your prayers in the last few seconds prior to crash, my fearless friend.
Tea: Calm yourself, dear fellow. Calm yourself. Having both narrowly escaped death, one must have a humorous outlet. I merely jest with you. Yes, this harrowing experience would have brought our reputations to ruin had we been rats of weaker moral character.
Rattus: Kind of you to say, dear fellow. Here, here.
Tea: We were both under great strain. But in the end, you comported yourself as an English Rat: that is, with courage and distinction. And I shant be remiss in my duty to mention that you preserved your mental dignity and grace as evidenced when you refused to abandon overboard the knapsack of teas. So, here, here.
Rattus: And you were cool as mackerel with your excellent idea to lighten the balloon, which most certainly mediated significantly the effects of the crash and allowed us to survive. Here, here, there's a jolly good fellow.
Tea: As was your prime-mover of an idea that we should lean to one side of the basket so as to direct us toward some trees which helped brake the fall, and that, too, saved us.
Rattus: I did that? That deed is not in my recollections.
Tea: Yes, soon after your polyglotal manifestations, you suggested it. And good cheers to you that you did suggest it, for we might not be here now enjoying this ambrosia of fermented barley malt and hops.
Rattus: Barley malt. Here, here.
Tea: And hops, here, here.
Rattus: And let us not forget to thank the good heavens for smiling upon us.
Is that Tea and Rattus I here bellowing inside the PUB? Yes, I do believe it is... Alot of CLANKING going on in there.. and laughter! Aww yes, laughter is good for the soul... Celebrate dear friends!! You are safe now...
Bebe! Stay tuned! Tea and Rattus are coming on the scene in a few....
Oh boy !
Ok.. I will wait right here...
Do they serve tea in that PUB? would you bring me back some tea please? I am getting parched out here!
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