"Mmmm, this is indeed a fine blueberry pie....I wonder where this came from....RATTUS OLD CHAP....Heat up the pot and make some P.G. Tips....and come and have a slice of this most magnificent pie with me!", yelled out Tea with his mouth full, blue and quite happy that he had stumbled upon this slice of heaven!
Enjoy a slice of your favorite culinary delight with someone you love and celebrate life with gusto and relish like Tea Rat!
I will drink to that! Tea that is! I love blueberries, I used to pick wild ones in Canada when we lived there! Happy Easter. suzie xxx
Rattus: I say, my good rat, isn't that pie from Barbs Pies in Nowhere? I hear her pies are the stuff of legend.
Tea Rat: Mmumphf...muunchh...ummp...
ffguphf. Beg pardon, old thing. Never ask a rat a question with his mouth full. It's simply not civil.
Rattus: Are you quite alright? Not unwell are we? Recovered sufficiently to tender an old friend an answer to his query?
Tea Rat: Grrreemsh...sluurrrphf... glurrumph...gulnkmf. See here, boyo, I haven't the foggiest notion whose pie this is or who made it. I just happened to be walking by this little whiz-bang of a cottage and was accosted by a celestial aroma. And as the door was open, I entered said cottage and me and this blueberry pie have been acquainting ourselves with each other ever since.
Rattus: And you don't know whose cottage this, who made the pie, or whose it is?
Tea Rat: Gluurph...munnch...umgluph. Uh. No.
Rattus: Le'me get this straight. You just smelled a pie, then brazenly entered someone's home unannounced and presumed to take gastronomical liberties with an anonymous pie without so much as a 'how do you do?'"
Tea Rat: Urrrumphoof...crrreenshmph... grrrumpmffluufell. Now you're getting it, boyo.
Rattus: Oh. Why didn't you say so in the first place. Would you mind an old friend's company?
Tea Rat: Crreesshunglepf...umph... grrrossemgulp... Beg pardon?
Rattus: Really, Tea, you are the limit.
Tea Rat: Grrrummulp! Whatever do you mean?
Rattus: Have you lost both your sanctity and grace? Where's the tea? Pie without tea? You of all creatures! Must I do everything?
TEA: YES, you must fetch the tea! Now GO, and get on with it! Rattus: Coming in all hours and all colors.....blue....HMMMPH! It does look good, however....hmmm...I will go get the P.G. Tips!
Please sir, can I have some more?
Oh my dear Tea, just look at you! Blueberry all over your sweet face.
Please save a slice for Bebe and Gretta. Tell Rattus to make enough Tea for everyone..
Anita your drawing is PRICELESS!
I'd like to have a crumb or two, please - with a blueberry or two. CAn not find them here yet, too early in the year... but wait, til they are available and I will invite you to BBMuffins and tea. Or pancakes. Or BBice. Have a wonderful blueberrycolored Easter !
I had such a time trying to get Gretta to move it along... any tea and blueberry pie left?
Kindly set two more places at the table.. I believe I saw Mozes, and dear Miss Moussie down the road...
Yummm! let's dig in Gretta.
Plenty of pie and tea for everyone.
Tea Rat felt a bit of remorse and has purchased several more blueberry pies from Barbs Pies. And with a name like Tea Rat, you know there's always plenty of tea for everyone.
Three cheers, and hoot, and a rrrrr.
P.S., whose cottage are partying in?
Wait for me....directions please..O I see..just follow the bleuberry road..be there in a jiffy..
T.D and all of the Company
Tea: Someone set the table please?! O.K. we have how many pies old man?"
Rattus: Exactly according to your instructions dear sir....25 pies.
Tea: Marvelous. Miss Moussie, would you kindly do the honors of cutting the first slice?" And Bebe, did you invite Pierre?" The French are absolutely geniuses at sitting down to table and relishing every moment of something good!" LET'S DIG IN EVERYONE!
Oh Yes, I invited him.. He is not here yet? I am so glad everyone made it...
so very kind of your Tea Rat, to order more pies...
There's more where that came from; Rattus and I are on very friendly terms with Barb the pie maker, so as many as we need, she will have her little mice and rabbits bake away so we can all celebrate!!!
Would it be ok if I invited Pierre? I am sure he would love to meet everyone before he leaves.
He is moving today... (dosen't eat much.
Thank you
Oh My, I love blueberry pie! Yum!
Lets finger paint! We need to do something about our paws...would you look at Rattus go? He's on his 4th helping, at least cried Bebe! Good golly, I think the rats about to explode! We could have a blueberry fight, a paw print contest or we could roll blueberries down the hill...you pick said Gretta. Personally she would like to have a good ol' game of Blueberry Baseball before the sun sets on Nowhere.
Oh...I'm full to capacity; mi five chambers are about to bust! I think I shall nap and see what other adventures await us when I awake! Good night all, Tea
I'm coming by from Jan's Gourds blog -- congratulations on winning the doll! Yeah! How fun.
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