The courageous and strong raccoon searched in his pouch and gathered some herbs; he fabricated a smelly but effective potion that brought the big Mozes to his feet. "A cord of three strands is not easily broken" murmured the little masked shadow..."The altitude here in NOWHERE must have been a bit much for you, in spite of your size my friend! Stay close to me, the both of you, for on the other side of this bridge are delights for the eyes and soul." The three of them lumbered in the night towards their most audacious imaginations....

Isn't it amazing how God takes care of all creatures providing the *perfect* solution for every circunstance? Big bear has a big heart...I am so glad he will be protecting Mozes, Tea Rat and all the will be coming along...
It's amazing....and there they go...
Walk softly over that bridge and mind your manners because Billy Goats Gruff and his troll friend live under it...shhhhh...they are sleeping.
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